
What is Mindfulness?

Mindfulness is a very simple form of meditation that was little known in the West until recently.

A typical meditation consists of focusing your full attention on your breath as it flows in and out of your body. Focusing on each breath in this way allows you to observe your thoughts as they arise in your mind and, little by little, to let go of struggling with them.

You come to realise that thoughts come and go of their own accord; that you are not your thoughts. You can watch as they appear in your mind, seemingly from thin air, and watch again as they disappear, like a soap bubble bursting. You come to the profound understanding that thoughts and feelings (including negative ones) are transient. They come and they go, and ultimately, you have a choice about whether to act on them or not.


Mindfulness Course - Mindfulness for Wellbeing - 8 weeks

The course aims to assist you in taking better care of yourself and in getting the most out of living. The majority of people completing the programme report lasting physical and psychological benefits including:

  • an increased ability to relax
  • greater energy and enthusiasm for life
  • heightened self-confidence
  • an increased ability to cope more effectively with both short and long-term stressful situations.

The aim of the programme is to learn new ways to handle challenging physical sensations, feelings, moods or social interactions.

Mindfulness Meditation - drop-in sessions

These drop-in sessions will be run on evenings and at weekends, and open to anyone (maximum 8 people per session). I will guide you in a meditation to increase your mindfulness, reduce your stress levels and bring about a feeling of well-being and calm.  Click to see the session dates and times, and get in touch to reserve your space at your first session on 07835 461021